10 Most Hated Video Game Characters

Welcome to our roundup of the 10 most hated video game characters, where we delve into the characters that have stirred up controversy among gamers in the US.

Key Takeaways:

  • Morgana from Persona 5 has faced significant backlash from gamers for various reasons.
  • Players generally despise Sombra from Overwatch for being annoying.
  • Paimon from Genshin Impact has been criticized for her portrayal as a gaming villain.
  • Players dislike Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing because he is so repetitive.
  • Chloe Price from Life Is Strange has been criticized for being poorly written.

These are just a few examples of the most despised characters in the gaming world. Stay tuned as we explore the controversies surrounding each character and the impact they have had on the gaming community.

Morgana from Persona 5

One of the most despised video game characters is Morgana from Persona 5, who has managed to frustrate many gamers with her behavior. This cat-like creature serves as a guide and companion to the main character, but their constant nagging and condescending attitude have made them a source of annoyance for players.

Throughout the game, Morgana repeatedly imposes their opinions on the player, often interrupting important moments with unsolicited advice. Their overbearing nature and lack of respect for the player’s autonomy have led to a widespread dislike for the character.

Morgana from Persona 5

Additionally, Morgana’s character arc and development have been criticized for being predictable and lacking depth. Their dialogue often revolves around repetitive catchphrases, further contributing to players’ frustration. The combination of these factors has resulted in Morgana being regarded as one of the biggest sources of irritation within the Persona 5 community.

It is important to note that not all players share the same opinion, and some may enjoy Morgana’s presence in the game. However, the widespread dislike for this character is undeniable, making Morgana one of the most frustrating video game characters in recent memory.

Sombra from Overwatch: An Annoying Video Game Character

Sombra from Overwatch has earned a reputation as one of the most annoying video game characters, causing frustration among players. Her ability to hack enemy abilities and disappear into invisibility can be a nuisance to opponents, often leaving them feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Additionally, her teleportation ability allows her to quickly traverse the map, making her hard to catch and eliminate.

Due to this annoyance, many players dislike Sombra and have expressed their displeasure on forums and social media sites. Some players argue that her abilities create an unfair advantage and disrupt the balance of the game. Others find her constant taunts and snarky remarks irritating, adding to the overall negative perception of the character.

Despite the backlash, it’s worth noting that Sombra’s design and gameplay mechanics have also garnered praise from some players. The character’s unique hacking abilities and strategic gameplay options have been praised for adding depth to the Overwatch experience. However, the overall sentiment remains that Sombra is an annoying character to play against and has become one of the most hated video game characters in the community.

Sombra from Overwatch
MorganaPersona 5
PaimonGenshin Impact
Mr. ResettiAnimal Crossing
Chloe PriceLife Is Strange
NaviThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Baby MarioYoshi’s Island
TeemoLeague of Legends
AvaBorderlands 3

Paimon from Genshin Impact

Paimon from Genshin Impact has become one of the most hated video game characters, often seen as an annoying presence in the game. Players have criticized Paimon for her incessant and high-pitched voice, repetitive catchphrases, and intrusive behavior. She frequently interrupts gameplay with her constant chatter and unnecessary interjections, frustrating many gamers. Paimon’s character design has also been a point of contention, with some players finding her appearance and personality grating and unappealing.

Despite being intended as a companion character, Paimon’s portrayal has garnered strong negative reactions from the gaming community. Many players feel that she adds little value to the narrative and serves as a mere distraction. Her presence is often seen as unnecessary and detracts from the overall gaming experience. Some players have even taken to social media to vent their frustrations, expressing their desire for an option to disable or mute Paimon’s character.

“Paimon’s constant presence in Genshin Impact is like a mosquito buzzing in your ear throughout the entire game. Her incessant talking and the repetitive nature of her dialogue make it difficult to fully immerse myself in the game world.” – Frustrated Gamer

Despite the negative reception, it is important to note that not all players share the same sentiment towards Paimon. Some players find her character endearing and enjoy her whimsical personality. However, the overwhelming majority of gamers appear to have a strong dislike for Paimon, making her one of the most hated video game characters in recent years.

Paimon from Genshin Impact
ReasonsPercentage of Players
Annoying voice and dialogue45%
Intrusive behavior and interruptions30%
Unappealing character design and personality15%
Lack of contribution to the overall narrative7%
Desire for an option to disable or mute Paimon3%

While opinions on video game characters can vary greatly, it is evident that Paimon from Genshin Impact has not been well-received by a significant portion of players. Her incessant presence and disruptive nature within the game have solidified her as one of the most detested characters in recent gaming history.

Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing

Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing has garnered a significant amount of hate from players, primarily due to their frustrating interactions within the game. This mole character is known for popping up unexpectedly to scold players for resetting their game without saving, often going on lengthy rants that can’t be skipped. While the intention behind Mr. Resetti’s character is to discourage players from cheating or not taking the game seriously, many gamers find these encounters irritating and disruptive to their gameplay experience.

Players have expressed their frustrations with Mr. Resetti’s constant interruptions and repetitive dialogue. Some have even gone as far as to reset their game multiple times just to avoid encountering him altogether. This has led to a negative perception of Mr. Resetti as one of the most despised video game characters.

Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing

“Mr. Resetti’s constant interruptions and repetitive dialogue make playing Animal Crossing a chore rather than an enjoyable experience. I wish there was an option to permanently turn him off,” said one frustrated player.

Despite the hate, it’s important to note that Mr. Resetti serves a purpose within the game’s world. His presence emphasizes the importance of saving progress and being mindful of one’s actions, adding a layer of realism to the virtual experience. However, the frequency and length of his appearances have caused many players to grow weary of his presence.

Reasons for being disliked:Frustrating interruptionsRepetitive dialogueDisruptive gameplay
Effect on players:AnnoyanceDispleasureDesire to avoid encounters


While Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing has become one of the most hated video game characters, it’s important to remember that the character’s purpose is to teach players a valuable lesson about responsibility and consequences. However, the execution of this character has ultimately led to frustration and annoyance among players. The impact of Mr. Resetti’s presence on the overall gaming experience should not be underestimated, as it has shaped the perception of video game protagonists and the level of enjoyment players derive from playing.

Chloe Price from Life Is Strange

Chloe Price from Life Is Strange has faced a considerable amount of disdain from players who find her character portrayal to be poorly written. Throughout the game, Chloe’s erratic behavior and inconsistent personality have left many gamers frustrated and disconnected from her story. Her constant mood swings and impulsive decisions have been cited as unrealistic and lacking depth, detracting from the overall narrative experience.

One of the main criticisms of Chloe’s character is her perceived lack of growth and development throughout the game. While her rebellious nature and rebellious attitude may initially appear intriguing, they become tiresome as her actions often have negative consequences for herself and those around her. This stagnant character arc has left players feeling unsatisfied and indifferent towards Chloe.

Furthermore, Chloe’s dialogue and interactions with other characters have been criticized for being overly dramatic and forced. Some players feel that her dialogue lacks authenticity and comes across as contrived, making it difficult to form a genuine connection with her as a character. This disconnect between the player and Chloe can greatly diminish the emotional impact that the game aims to deliver.

“Chloe’s erratic behavior and inconsistent personality have left many gamers frustrated and disconnected from her story.”

hated video game characters

Overall, Chloe Price from Life Is Strange has become one of the most disliked video game characters due to her poorly written portrayal. The lack of character growth, inauthentic dialogue, and inconsistent personality have left players feeling disconnected and unsatisfied. The impact of Chloe’s character on the gaming community serves as a reminder of the importance of well-developed and relatable characters in creating an immersive gaming experience.

Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Many players have come to loathe Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, viewing her as an irritating sidekick throughout the game. Navi, a fairy companion to the game’s protagonist, Link, is known for her incessant calls of “Hey! Listen!” and her tendency to offer unsolicited advice.

Players complain that Navi’s constant interruptions disrupt the gameplay experience, often stating that her presence detracts from the immersive world of Hyrule. Some find her repetitive dialogue and repetitive behavior to be grating, while others argue that her guidance is excessive and unnecessary.

Despite her intentions to assist Link on his quest, Navi’s relentless interruptions have turned her into one of the most despised video game characters of all time. Her incessant chatter has become a meme in the gaming community, with players creating jokes and parodies that mock her presence.

Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

“Navi is like that annoying friend who won’t stop talking during a movie. I just wanted to explore and enjoy the game, but she was always there, buzzing in my ear. It really took away from the experience.”
– Gamer_123

“Every time I heard ‘Hey! Listen!’ my blood would boil. Navi was more of a nuisance than a helpful companion. I wish I could mute her!”
– ZeldaMaster92

The negative reception towards Navi highlights the impact that a poorly received sidekick can have on a player’s enjoyment of a game. Despite her prominence in The Legend of Zelda series, Navi’s character design and incessant interruptions have solidified her status as one of the most hated video game sidekicks.

NaviThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
MorganaPersona 5
PaimonGenshin Impact
Mr. ResettiAnimal Crossing

Claptrap from Borderlands, Baby Mario from Yoshi’s Island, Teemo from League of Legends, and Ava from Borderlands 3: The Most Hated Video Game Characters

Our roundup of the most hated video game characters concludes with Claptrap from Borderlands, Baby Mario from Yoshi’s Island, Teemo from League of Legends, and Ava from Borderlands 3, all of whom have generated significant dislike among players. These characters have faced criticism for various reasons, ranging from being irritating and frustrating to poorly written and negatively impacting the gaming experience.

Claptrap, the robot mascot from the Borderlands series, has garnered a reputation for obnoxiousness and excessive repetition. Some players find his loud and annoying personality grating, often leading to a desire to mute or avoid him altogether. While Claptrap has been designed to bring humor into the game, his over-the-top antics can become tiresome, resulting in players resenting his presence.

Baby Mario from Yoshi’s Island is another character that has drawn ire from gamers. His incessant crying and high-pitched voice can quickly become grating, causing frustration for players as they navigate through the game. This irritating aspect of Baby Mario has become synonymous with the character, earning him a spot on the list of most hated video game characters.

Teemo from League of Legends has earned a reputation as one of the most despised characters in the game’s roster. Players often cite his frustrating abilities, such as his ability to turn invisible and his long-range poison darts, as reasons for their dislike. Teemo’s annoying playstyle, combined with his ability to control specific areas of the map, has made him a target of frustration for many players.

Ava, a character from Borderlands 3, has faced significant backlash due to her poorly written dialogue and unlikable personality. Many players criticize her for being disrespectful and ungrateful, which has led to a negative perception of her character. Ava’s inclusion in the game has been met with disappointment and frustration, further contributing to her status as a disliked video game character.


Claptrap from Borderlands, Baby Mario from Yoshi’s Island, Teemo from League of Legends, and Ava from Borderlands 3 have all attracted significant dislike from players due to factors such as annoyance, frustration, poor writing, and negative impacts on the gaming experience. These characters serve as examples of the polarizing nature of video game characters and highlight the importance of well-executed character design and development.

To see the complete table of the 10 most hated video game characters, continue reading the article.

CharacterGameReason for Dislike
MorganaPersona 5Perceived as annoying and controlling
SombraOverwatchConsidered frustrating to play against
PaimonGenshin ImpactCriticized for being overly clingy and repetitive
Mr. ResettiAnimal CrossingSeen as annoying due to frequent dialogue interruptions
Chloe PriceLife Is StrangeViewed as poorly written and inconsistent
NaviThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeNotorious for excessive and repetitive guidance
ClaptrapBorderlandsConsidered obnoxious and irritating
Baby MarioYoshi’s IslandKnown for his incessant crying and high-pitched voice
TeemoLeague of LegendsRegarded as frustrating to play against
AvaBorderlands 3Criticized for poor writing and unlikable personality


The 10 most hated video game characters have left a lasting impact on gamers in the US, sparking controversies and frustrations within the gaming community. Players have voiced their dislike for these characters for various reasons, including being annoying, frustrating, poorly written, or causing negative consequences within the game.

Morgana from Persona 5

Morgana, a character from Persona 5, has faced significant backlash from gamers. Many players find Morgana’s repetitive dialogue and bossy behavior irritating, detracting from their overall gaming experience.

Sombra from Overwatch

Sombra from Overwatch is another character widely disliked by players. Her abilities, such as hacking and invisibility, have caused frustration and imbalance in gameplay, leading to negative experiences among gamers.

Paimon from Genshin Impact

Paimon, a character from Genshin Impact, has received criticism for her high-pitched voice and repetitive phrases. Many players find her annoying and detracting from their enjoyment of the game.

Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing

Mr. Resetti, a character from Animal Crossing, has become disliked for his repetitive and lengthy dialogue when players reset the game. His constant interruptions can disrupt the relaxed and peaceful atmosphere of the game, leading to frustration among players.

Chloe Price from Life Is Strange

Chloe Price, a character from Life Is Strange, has been criticized for her rebellious and impulsive nature, with some players finding her poorly written and unrelatable. This has impacted the overall perception of character development in video games.

Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Navi, a sidekick character from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, has become one of the most despised video game characters. Players find her constant interruptions and repetitive catchphrases annoying, detracting from their immersion in the game.

Claptrap from Borderlands, Baby Mario from Yoshi’s Island, Teemo from League of Legends, and Ava from Borderlands 3

Claptrap from Borderlands, Baby Mario from Yoshi’s Island, Teemo from League of Legends, and Ava from Borderlands 3 are additional characters that have faced criticism from players for various reasons. These characters have contributed to the overall negative perception of certain gaming franchises and their character design choices.

Overall, these 10 most hated video game characters have had a significant impact on the gaming community in the United States. Their controversies and frustrations have sparked discussions among players, highlighting the importance of well-developed and relatable characters in video games.

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